- First Staff House One (2001-2003)
- Workshop (2002)
- 16,000 gallon reservoir water tank (2003)
- Bore Hole project (2003)
- Coconut Shed/Agricultural Shed (2003)
- Coconut Press/Plant (2004)
- Chicken Shed (2005)
- Classroom 1 /Temporary Kitchen (2005)
- First Girls Dormitory (2005)
- Staff House Two (2005-2007)
- Girls Amenities Block (2006)
- Piggery (2006)
- Hammer Mill, Coconut Extraction Plant, Coconut Oil Filter (2007)
- Second Girls Dormitory (currently used as a temporary office & library) (2007)
- 2/4,000 gal Water Tank (2007)
- 3/10,000 Lt Water Tanks (2008)
- Honey Bee Shed – (2008)
- Classroom 2 (2009)
- Toilet Block (2009)
- Primary School Playground and steps (2009)
- Multipurpose Classroom (2011)
- Container Coconut Shed (2012)
- Renovation of Classroom 3 and relocation of Coconut Extraction Plant (2012)
- Built a veranda onto the three classrooms (2013)
- Renovations on Staff House 1. (Kitchen and Bathroom) (2014)
- Boys Dormitory converted into Classroom. (2015)
- Converting toilets from Composting to Flush at the Boys Dormitory. (2015)
- Construction of “History Makers” cement road. (2015)